Server Setup

Table of contents


First, grab the latest server release and untar it somewhere:

curl -fsSL "" \
    | tar zxv
cd mmserver-v0.8.2

Then, create a configuration file with at least one application definition:

# mmserver.toml
command = ["steam", "-gamepadui"]
xwayland = true

Then you can start the server like so:

$ ./mmserver -C config.toml
2024-12-09T16:57:30.989261Z  INFO mmserver: listening on [::1]:9599

You can also create a configuration directory, and add a file (json or toml) for each application:

mkdir apps.d
echo 'command = ["steam", "-gamepadui"]' > apps.d/steam.toml
./mmserver -i apps.d


By default, mmserver only listens on localhost, which is not terribly useful. There are a few different options to configure which socket address the server listens for connections on.

The easiest is to bind to a local IP, or use a VPN like wireguard or tailscale:

# config.toml
bind = ""

Or from the command line:

mmserver --bind $(tailscale ip -4):9599

If you'd like to stream on a public IP, or on all interfaces (with, mmserver requires that you set up a TLS certificate and key:

# config.toml
tls_cert = "/path/to/tls.key"
tls_key = "/path/to/tls.cert"

Generating such certificates and adding them to the client is out of scope for this guide. Note that while all Magic Mirror traffic is encrypted with TLS (whether you supply certificates or not), no authentication is performed on incoming connections.

Finally, you can also use --bind-systemd or bind_systemd = true to bind to a systemd socket.

System Requirements

The following is required to run the server:

Hardware encoding

Magic Mirror uses hardware-based video compression codecs to stream the game over the wire.

To see if your GPU supports video encoding, see the following matrix for your vendor:


Building mmserver from source

The following are required to build the server and its dependencies:

rust (MSRV 1.77.2)

Besides Rust itself, the following command will install everything on ubuntu:

apt install nasm cmake protobuf-compiler libxkbcommon-dev

Then you should be good to go:

cd mm-server
cargo build --bin mmserver [--release]